Real Audio
New soft living style
People finally masters
Of their own time
Soft images in my eyes
Soft sounds in my ears
New buildings in my town
Soft images in my eyes
Thousand glass lights
Global thoughts in my town
Green and keen
How beautiful my world
Green green green
Bit bit
Watt watt
Bit bit bit
Watt watt watt
Bit and watt
Bit bit
Watt watt
Bit bit bit
Watt watt watt
Bit and Watt
Bit local
Watt local
Bit and watt, bit and watt
Local acting
Local thinking
Local thoughts
Local acts
Watt watt m
Bit bit s
Watt watt m
Bit s. watt m
Watt watt m
Bit bit s
Watt watt m
Bit s. watt m
Thoughts acts
Acting thinking
Bit and watt, Bit and watt
Global acting
Local thinking
Local thoughts
Global acts
Global acting
Local thinking
Local thoughts
Global acts
Bit m
Watt watt h
Bit bit m
Watt watt h
Bit m and watt h
Mega bit mega byte
Mega byte mega bit
Mega bit mega byte
Giga byte mega bit
Giga bit tera byte
Tera byte giga bit
Watt watt s
Bit bit h
Watt watt s
Bit h and watt s
Thoughts acts
Acting thinking
Bit and watt, Bit and watt
Local acting
Global thinking
Global thoughts
Local acts
Local acting
Global thinking
Global thoughts
Local acts
Bio bit bio watt
Bio watt bio bit
Bio bit bio bit
Bio watt bio watt
Bio bit and bio watt
Bio bit bio watt
Bio watt bio bit
Bio bit bio bit
Bio watt bio watt
Bio bit and bio watt